" Each species we can meet underwater has very intereseting specificities.
It is a part of a world that doesn't work like ours and that we have to preserve.
To help to preserve it, we decided to create Ananahi: a library of informations around trips we made and species we have seen while diving. "
Marion and Kevin
Some sharks can stay motionless on the sand (white tips reef sharks, nurse sharks, etc.).
These sharks don't have to swim to bring oxygen to their gills like other sharks (grey, hammerheads tc.)
The whale shark is the largest fish in the world!
Some whales are larger, but they are mammals, not fish!
We can hear the bull shark is very dangerous because of attacks near La Réunion island.
However, tens of them are living at 600 feet from the famous beach of Playa Del Carmen in Mexico. And there are no attacks.