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Red-finger aeolis

Scientific name: Flabellina verrucosa

Size: From 0.8 to 1.4 inches

Color: Translucent white and brown, brown red or orange

Distinguishing feature: Translucent white body, brown / red cerates and white cerate tips

Where did we see it: Raja Ampat

Red-finger aeolis of Raja Ampat

Red-finger aeolis

Scientific name: Flabellina verrucosa

Size: From 0.8 to 1.4 inches

Color: Translucent white and brown, brown red or orange

Distinguishing feature: Translucent white body, brown / red cerates and white cerate tips

Where did we see it: Raja Ampat

In detail

Very nice nudibranch of the aeolis family.

This nudibranch is carnivorous and keeps intact the stinging cells of living beings that it consumes, it then ejects them in case of danger. We do not know any real predator at the red-finger aeolis.

The different species of Nudibranchs we have seen

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